Is All Better Together Right for You?

All Better TogetherOur ServicesIs ABT Right For You?

We work hard every day to provide the highest quality of service possible so your child meets his or her potential. To meet that potential, we know it requires a lasting commitment from us. We know, just as importantly, it requires you.  You’ve been there from day one, with your child every step of the way. Check out what makes us unique and see if All Better Together is the right ABA provider for you!


Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the heart and soul of what we do. Our services out of Walnut Creek, CA and across the East Bay as well as our newest location serving Fort Wayne and surrounding counties across NE Indiana rely solely on the behavior analytic approach, with decades of quality scientific support backing up the methods we employ every day. We don’t believe in a “one size fits all” approach. Each child learns in a unique way, and our Behavior Support Plans (BSPs) are created to teach new skills and replacement behaviors in the most effective ways for the individual learner and work closely with you to develop strategies that work for you to stay consistent with as well outside of therapy time.


Simply put, we believe early and intensive ABA is the single most effective treatment for children with autism to allow them to achieve their potential and thrive with independence in an often-challenging world. There are many options for you to consider, but ABA is the only one with decades of evidence to support it as the best choice for those on the spectrum.

We are committed to our parents


Our clients achieve the best results when their families make ABA a priority in their home lives. We’ll work closely with you to be sure you have plenty of opportunities to participate in your child’s program both during and between sessions.  We provide parent training and education to equip you with the skills and confidence to implement proven ABA strategies at home and on the go.

We are committed to our staff


We believe attracting and keeping happy and talented staff is the key ingredient for achieving great success in your child.  With our employee-centric approach, we invest in our employees so they can focus their talents on your child.  We provide top pay by limiting unnecessary overhead costs.  We work hard to consolidate schedules so staff can spend their work day actually working with clients rather than spending their time off the clock waiting for their next appointment. We’ve designed policies to promote healthy work-life balance and job satisfaction.

Contact us to learn more about All Better Together’s unique approach, and how that approach ultimately provides stronger programs for the children and families we serve.


Our methods ultimately provide better results for the children and families we serve. Want to learn more?

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